7 Good Reasons to Learn Foreign Language

7 Good Reasons to Learn Foreign Language: Learning a foreign language is naturally a process that take effort and time, much or not, based on the capability of an individual. Current technology makes learning a second language more open and easy. You can learn at anywhere you like, in your car while trapped in traffic jam, while waiting for commuter to arrive or fishing at Lake Garden, by means of many types of medium such as cassette, CD and the Internet, such as at www.malaylanguage.mypositivemoney.com where you will find a good resource of foreign language. Below a just a few reasons why you should learn another language:

  1. Most important yet easy reason – Eliminate the language barrier that you may face, easier for you to deal with other people when you go traveling or having work at other country. Majority of native people probably do not know to speak English easily or do not know to speak English at all, so knowing some key words will help you a lot. Moreover, you will want to know what people around you are talking about while you shopping, waiting for cab, or having dinner at a restaurant.
  2. Local people tend to be friendly with you since you speak same language with them. You also can get friend quickly, which in return can help you greatly in dealing with certain troubles that you may face, and you might be do not know how to deal with, such as problem related with customary law. Locals also will believe you more than people who cannot speak their language, doesn’t it very important when you are in travel?
  3. Knowing a foreign language really help when you are lost in a remote area where hardly you can find people who can speak English except local language.
  4. Giving you chances to understand the strange local customs and way of life easier and deeper. This priceless experience is absolutely a chance not be missed for anyone who love to travel. You can share beautiful moment having fun with locals in occasion and understand the meaning behind it, which in the same time, give you information.
  5. Improve your memory skill coming from action of reading, learning and memorizing. Open up your mind to be more acceptable to other people’s differences. Your thoughts will be more maturely and sensibly.
  6. This is fact, guys: According to Kwintessential, persons who study a foreign language are richer, happier and are seen more attractive than those who can speak only English.
  7. From a study conducted in Britain involving 270 dating services, the result shows that people who speak or learn a foreign language are more attractive, intelligent and attractive to the opposite gender.
    Hopefully some of the reasons above will give you some ideas on how important to learn extra language. Continuous learning for life leads to success and wisdom.

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